
Showing posts from May, 2018

Error when opening LCM via PRISM

After the upgrade to AOS 5.1.5, my LCM console gave the following message. Json Rpc request for unkown Rpc object LifeCycleManager Error message You can solve this issue by doing the following steps: 1). Verified that the PRISM shows: JSON RPC request error. 2). verified from ~$ zkls /appliance/logical/pyleaders/lcm_leader/   one of the CVM was not listed. I have 9. n_0000000096 n_0000000097 n_0000000098 n_0000000099 n_0000000100 n_0000000101 n_0000000102 n_0000000103 3). Verified One of the CVM .101 has .genesis_restart_required_path file. ~$  allssh "ls -latr ~/.genesis_restart_required_path" 4). Removed the file and restarted genesis on all the CVMs. ~$  rm .genesis_restart_required_path ~$  allssh genesis restart 5). Verified the issue does not exist anymore.